Welcome to Northwestern Math 8

Math 8 - 8th Grade
Ms Jordan - Mr Pearson - 
Math 8 - 7th Grade 
Ms Gillespie - Ms Harden - Ms Zahner-Bailey 

Resources for the units will be accessible on the Unit Resource Pages to the right.

Help Sessions will be mornings from 8:10 to 8:45
Mr Pearson (rm 814) Tuesdays 
Ms Jordan   (rm 813)

Worksheets and Answer Keys for most assignments are provided to help students
check their work and study.  Printing off blank worksheets or viewing online and reworking some of the problems is a great way to prepare and study for tests and quizzes.
Correct Algebraic Form and showing work are key parts of  Math 8 - most answer keys are formatted to help students see what their work should look like and the steps they need to show. 
Showing work correctly is important for demonstrating understanding of inverse operations and the algebraic process as well as helping find where/why students are making errors and correcting them.

  Link to Online Graphing Calculator great free graphing calculator that is also a free app. Desmos.com is the website and Desmos graphing calculator is the app

Textbook Access Directions - Link to directions

Link to Fulton County Math Flowchart below
Fulton County Math Progression